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Press Release

Tax Justice SA applauds President’s bold boost for economy

Friday 24 April 2020 – Tax Justice South Africa (TJSA) today welcomes the Presidency’s announcement of the easing of lockdown rules to resuscitate the nation’s economy.

TJSA founder Yusuf Abramjee says: “President Ramaphosa should be applauded for showing great leadership in guiding our country through this crisis and taking this important step towards financial survival.

“His announcement of Level 4 of lockdown from 1 May is a bold and important step in allieviating the pain that has been inflicted on businesses and the families those businesses sustain throughout the country.

“Now people can start to go back to work to keep our economy alive, generating income for themselves and South Africa as we continue to fight this devastating virus.

“The lifting of the ban on cigarette sales is particularly welcome, as this will immediately pour R35 million into the fiscus every day.

“Tax Justice South Africa encourages the Government and law enforcers to crack down on the illicit traders who have exploited the lockdown restrictions to enrich themselves.

These criminals have denied the state the funds it is due and which are desperately needed at this time of emergency.”

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