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Criminals are shamelessly looting South Africa of more than R250 million every day.

Criminals are shamelessly looting South Africa of more than R250 million every day.

SARS Commissioner Edward Kieswetter has stated that SARS estimate the illicit trade costs SA R250 million every single day – or R100 billion every year.

The biggest tax-evading industries in South Africa include illicit trading in clothing, tobacco, alcohol, medical drugs and fuel.

The Bureau of Economic Research (BER) says our GDP should up to 30% higher than it is now, and that 2.5 million more jobs should have been created since 2010, but corruption and tax revenue shortfalls helped create these “lost years”.

This is NOT a victimless crime: big-time tax dodgers are robbing South Africans of schools, housing, health care and basic safety.


New Schools

If the Government recovered R10 billion from the illicit trade, it could afford to build an extra 156 schools at an estimated cost of 64 million per school.


High school teachers annual salaries

The annual salary of high school teachers in South Africa is R230,703, meaning the Government could afford to pay an extra 4,334 high school teachers for the year if it recovered R1 billion from the illicit trade.


Increase in road infrastructure spending

R49,506 million will be spent on road infrastructure in 2020/21, but this could be increased by 8% if the Government recovered R4 billion from the illicit trade.


Annual police salaries

The annual salary in the South African Police service is R203k, meaning the Government could afford to pay an extra 14,778 police for the year if it recovered R3 billion from the illicit trade.


Affordable homes

The average affordable housing unit costs $28,289/R434,309 in Pretoria. If the Government recovered R2 billion from the illicit trade it could afford to build an extra 4,605 affordable homes.

Illicit Industries


South Africans are being pumped for cash as fuel prices soar to cover the cost of thieves.

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Illegal alcohol traders cost us 16 million rand every day and put lives at risk.

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The illegal tobacco trade robs the nation of R50 million every day.

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Illegal medicines cause thousands of deaths each year in sub-Saharan Africa, according to the World Health Organization.

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The importing of illegal clothing and textile products is destroying local businesses and costing jobs.

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